Dr. Konstantinos Anastassakis, MD, PhD, FISHRS
Biography: Dr. Konstantinos Anastassakis MD, PhD, FISHRS, is a Head & Neck surgeon and Hair Transplant surgeon, practicing in Athens, Greece since 2004. He is the founder and Medical Director of Anastasakis Hair Clinic in Athens, Greece. Dr. Anastassakis performs both Hair Transplant Techniques, FUE & FUT. He also performs Body FUE and has a vast experience in repair cases. In December 2021 Anastasakis Hair Clinic and Dr. Konstantinos Anastassakis received the Customer Distinction Award in the “Customer Experience Game-changer of the year” category at the National Customer Service Awards. Anastasakis Hair Clinic has received numerous awards as a leading hair clinic in Greece in the prestigious Medical Beauty Awards in 2020 and 2021 notably winning the platinum award in 2021 for the “Best New Hair Clinic Brand” category. In November 2019 Anastasakis Hair Clinic was awarded as the Top Hair Transplant Clinic in Greece at the “SALUS INDEX AWARDS”, the most important annual FORUM of Excellence in the field of Health. Since the beginning of his career, Dr. Anastasakis noted the need of the public for better and responsive communication with physicians but also the need for better access to reliable scientific information. He developed a new experience of communicating with the public, using all the available technology and social networking platforms. On YouTube he created the only channel in Greece exclusively dedicated on Hair Transplant. The channel hosts more than 350 videos related to patient stories, answers to their questions, FAQs and several topics about hair loss, surgical and non-surgical hair restoration procedures. The acceptance of the public is unprecedented, as the channel quickly exceeded the numbers of more than 7,000,000 views and 204,000 hours of watching time. For this unique way of communicating, Dr. Anastassakis was awarded twice in 2020 and 2021 as “Best Influencer Hair Restoration Doctor” at the Influencer Marketing Awards in Greece, in the “Best Brand Storytelling by an Influencer” category. He is the author of the 901 pages medical textbook “Androgenetic Alopecia, from A to Z” published first time in Greece, in 2015. The world’s largest science publishing house Springer, undertook the publication of the book in English, which consists of 3 related volumes, each with a specific focus (with intertwined contents), due to the huge amount of relevant, useful information and the vast number of figures, tables, graphs, and clinical photos(more than 8000 citations). Every aspect of the condition is evaluated, including biology, diagnosis, etiology and related disorders (Vol 1), drug treatment, the intricate effects of nutrition, lifestyle, and food supplements on hair loss (Vol 2), surgical hair restoration, hair care, as well as adjuvant and upcoming treatment options (Vol 3). Vol.1 , Vol. 2 and Vol.3 are all available in e-book and hardcopy editions at Springer Publications. He is a member of ISHRS since 2009, an ABHRS diplomate (experience route) since 2015, ABHRS examiner (oral part) and elected Board of Directors ABHRS since 2018. He has also served as Vice President of the Board of Directors ABHRS in 2021. He is the Founder and President of the HAHRS, the Hellenic Academy of Hair Restoration Surgery, which is Global Council Member. Notable Participations: Speaker and Moderator, 29th World Congress of ISHRS, Lisbon, Portugal Keynote speaker at the Aesthetic Medicine Congress, TAMC 2021, Dubrovnik, Croatia, October 8-10, 2021 Annual meeting of the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery 2019 as an elected member of the Board of Directors Keynote speaker at the 27th World Congress of ISHRS, Bangkok, November 13-16, 2019. Speaker in the open meeting for the “Fight the FIGHT” Public Awareness campain at the 27th World Congress of ISHRS Keynote speaker at the Advanced/Board Review Course of ABHRS held in Bangkok, November 13-16, 2019. Member of the Scientific Planning Committee of the World Live Surgery Workshop of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) held in Bangkok on November 13-17, 2019, during the 27th World Congress of ISHRS Elected for the 4th consecutive year with a one year term as an oral examiner in the very demanding examinations carried out by the ABHRS Body for the certification of new members-doctors President of the ISHRS Ambassadors for Patient Safety Subcommittee Keynote speaker at the Aesthetic Medicine Congress, TAMC 2019, Dubrovnik, Croatia, October 11-13, 2019 Faculty Member and keynote speaker of the ISHRS “FUE CADAVER HANDS-ON & LIVE SURGERY REGIONAL WORKSHOP”, Istanbul on April 19-21, 2019. Keynote speaker, with 4 speeches at the 26th World Congress of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) in Hollywood, USA, 10-14 October 2018 ISHRS & ABHRS Morbidity & Mortality Conference Director for 2nd consecutive time – 26th Congress of ISHRS, Hollywood, USA, October 10-14, 2018 Member of the Scientific Planning Committee of the 26th World Congress of ISHRS, Hollywood, Los Angeles, USA, October 2018 Keynote speaker, 3 presentations, 4th International Conference of the Aesthetic Academy of Egypt (AAEgy), 13-14 September 2018 Official representative of ISHRS as a member of the organizing committee at the Workshop organized by ISHRS in collaboration with Egypt’s Aesthetic Academy in September 2018 Keynote speaker & instructor at the 2nd Annual Aesthetic and Surgery Academy, Islamabad, Pakistan, July 2018 with 6 presentations and 5 master-class workshops Member of the ISHRS WLSW (World Live Surgery Workshop), March 2018 in Dubai Live Surgery Workshop Director and Official Speaker at the ISHRS World Live Surgery Workshop in Dubai (8-10 March 2018) Instructor and keynote speaker on Hair Transplant issues at the Scientific Conference of Dermatology, Cosmetic Dermatology and Laser, held in Athens in February 2018 Elected member to the Board of Directors of the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery, from January 1st, 2018 and with a three-year term of office. 2017, oral examiner for the 2nd consecutive year with a one year term in the examinations carried out by the ABHRS Body for the certification of new members-doctors Member of the Scientific Planning Committee of the 25th World Congress of ISHRS, held in Prague 4-7 October 2017 Member of the CME Continuing Medical Education Committee at the World Congress of ISHRS, Prague, 4-7 October 2017 Chairman at the ISHRS & ABHRS Morbidity & Mortality Conference – 25th Congress of the ISHRS (International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery) in Prague, Czech Republic, October 4-7, 2017 Member of the Ad Hoc Regulatory Committee – and the Subcommittee on European Standards at the ISHRS World Congress, Prague, 4-7 October 2017 Coordinator and keynote speaker along with Vincenzo Gambino MD, ISHRS President for 2015, at the round table on young patients and whether or not they are suitability for hair transplant, at the 2016 ISHRS Worldwide Congress held in Las Vegas.
Biography: Dr. Konstantinos Anastassakis MD, PhD, FISHRS, is a Head & Neck surgeon and Hair Transplant surgeon, practicing in Athens, Greece since 2004. He is the founder and Medical Director of Anastasakis Hair Clinic in Athens, Greece. Dr. Anastassakis performs both Hair Transplant Techniques, FUE & FUT. He also performs Body FUE and has a vast experience in repair cases. In December 2021 Anastasakis Hair Clinic and Dr. Konstantinos Anastassakis received the Customer Distinction Award in the “Customer Experience Game-changer of the year” category at the National Customer Service Awards. Anastasakis Hair Clinic has received numerous awards as a leading hair clinic in Greece in the prestigious Medical Beauty Awards in 2020 and 2021 notably winning the platinum award in 2021 for the “Best New Hair Clinic Brand” category. In November 2019 Anastasakis Hair Clinic was awarded as the Top Hair Transplant Clinic in Greece at the “SALUS INDEX AWARDS”, the most important annual FORUM of Excellence in the field of Health. Since the beginning of his career, Dr. Anastasakis noted the need of the public for better and responsive communication with physicians but also the need for better access to reliable scientific information. He developed a new experience of communicating with the public, using all the available technology and social networking platforms. On YouTube he created the only channel in Greece exclusively dedicated on Hair Transplant. The channel hosts more than 350 videos related to patient stories, answers to their questions, FAQs and several topics about hair loss, surgical and non-surgical hair restoration procedures. The acceptance of the public is unprecedented, as the channel quickly exceeded the numbers of more than 7,000,000 views and 204,000 hours of watching time. For this unique way of communicating, Dr. Anastassakis was awarded twice in 2020 and 2021 as “Best Influencer Hair Restoration Doctor” at the Influencer Marketing Awards in Greece, in the “Best Brand Storytelling by an Influencer” category. He is the author of the 901 pages medical textbook “Androgenetic Alopecia, from A to Z” published first time in Greece, in 2015. The world’s largest science publishing house Springer, undertook the publication of the book in English, which consists of 3 related volumes, each with a specific focus (with intertwined contents), due to the huge amount of relevant, useful information and the vast number of figures, tables, graphs, and clinical photos(more than 8000 citations). Every aspect of the condition is evaluated, including biology, diagnosis, etiology and related disorders (Vol 1), drug treatment, the intricate effects of nutrition, lifestyle, and food supplements on hair loss (Vol 2), surgical hair restoration, hair care, as well as adjuvant and upcoming treatment options (Vol 3). Vol.1 , Vol. 2 and Vol.3 are all available in e-book and hardcopy editions at Springer Publications. He is a member of ISHRS since 2009, an ABHRS diplomate (experience route) since 2015, ABHRS examiner (oral part) and elected Board of Directors ABHRS since 2018. He has also served as Vice President of the Board of Directors ABHRS in 2021. He is the Founder and President of the HAHRS, the Hellenic Academy of Hair Restoration Surgery, which is Global Council Member. Notable Participations: Speaker and Moderator, 29th World Congress of ISHRS, Lisbon, Portugal Keynote speaker at the Aesthetic Medicine Congress, TAMC 2021, Dubrovnik, Croatia, October 8-10, 2021 Annual meeting of the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery 2019 as an elected member of the Board of Directors Keynote speaker at the 27th World Congress of ISHRS, Bangkok, November 13-16, 2019. Speaker in the open meeting for the “Fight the FIGHT” Public Awareness campain at the 27th World Congress of ISHRS Keynote speaker at the Advanced/Board Review Course of ABHRS held in Bangkok, November 13-16, 2019. Member of the Scientific Planning Committee of the World Live Surgery Workshop of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) held in Bangkok on November 13-17, 2019, during the 27th World Congress of ISHRS Elected for the 4th consecutive year with a one year term as an oral examiner in the very demanding examinations carried out by the ABHRS Body for the certification of new members-doctors President of the ISHRS Ambassadors for Patient Safety Subcommittee Keynote speaker at the Aesthetic Medicine Congress, TAMC 2019, Dubrovnik, Croatia, October 11-13, 2019 Faculty Member and keynote speaker of the ISHRS “FUE CADAVER HANDS-ON & LIVE SURGERY REGIONAL WORKSHOP”, Istanbul on April 19-21, 2019. Keynote speaker, with 4 speeches at the 26th World Congress of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) in Hollywood, USA, 10-14 October 2018 ISHRS & ABHRS Morbidity & Mortality Conference Director for 2nd consecutive time – 26th Congress of ISHRS, Hollywood, USA, October 10-14, 2018 Member of the Scientific Planning Committee of the 26th World Congress of ISHRS, Hollywood, Los Angeles, USA, October 2018 Keynote speaker, 3 presentations, 4th International Conference of the Aesthetic Academy of Egypt (AAEgy), 13-14 September 2018 Official representative of ISHRS as a member of the organizing committee at the Workshop organized by ISHRS in collaboration with Egypt’s Aesthetic Academy in September 2018 Keynote speaker & instructor at the 2nd Annual Aesthetic and Surgery Academy, Islamabad, Pakistan, July 2018 with 6 presentations and 5 master-class workshops Member of the ISHRS WLSW (World Live Surgery Workshop), March 2018 in Dubai Live Surgery Workshop Director and Official Speaker at the ISHRS World Live Surgery Workshop in Dubai (8-10 March 2018) Instructor and keynote speaker on Hair Transplant issues at the Scientific Conference of Dermatology, Cosmetic Dermatology and Laser, held in Athens in February 2018 Elected member to the Board of Directors of the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery, from January 1st, 2018 and with a three-year term of office. 2017, oral examiner for the 2nd consecutive year with a one year term in the examinations carried out by the ABHRS Body for the certification of new members-doctors Member of the Scientific Planning Committee of the 25th World Congress of ISHRS, held in Prague 4-7 October 2017 Member of the CME Continuing Medical Education Committee at the World Congress of ISHRS, Prague, 4-7 October 2017 Chairman at the ISHRS & ABHRS Morbidity & Mortality Conference – 25th Congress of the ISHRS (International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery) in Prague, Czech Republic, October 4-7, 2017 Member of the Ad Hoc Regulatory Committee – and the Subcommittee on European Standards at the ISHRS World Congress, Prague, 4-7 October 2017 Coordinator and keynote speaker along with Vincenzo Gambino MD, ISHRS President for 2015, at the round table on young patients and whether or not they are suitability for hair transplant, at the 2016 ISHRS Worldwide Congress held in Las Vegas.
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